What's New in 2023 - WorkExpo


Latest changes

The following are the most recent changes in the latest update to WorkExpo

WorkExpo has recently been updated in the following ways.

The Employer Guidelines in WorkExpo have been updated and now include references to COVID (Both Work Experience and SWPL).
The Victorian Government has chosen not to include references to COVID in the Work Experience and SWPL arrangement forms, so these forms haven’t changed.
The Victorian Government has chosen to issue additional forms relating to COVID. See the Victorian Government Education website under heading Student and parental engagement here: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/Pages/coronavirus_swl.aspx

The latest update of WorkExpo does not include the additional forms because COVID may not persist over the coming years and these forms would then need to be removed. However, WorkExpo does now include an option which allows you to manage the additional forms if necessary. See a step-by-step guide on how to do so here: https://www.infoplan.com.au/workexpo/COVID19.html

Click Run Latest Update from the WorkExpo main menu to download and run a wizard to update WorkExpo.
You can update WorkExpo directly at the download page of the WorkExpo website here: https://www.infoplan.com.au/workexpo/update.html

After updating WorkExpo you should see the current YEAR on the Main Menu. If you have any queries or need assistance please contact me.

Info Plan Software PO Box 195
t: 03 9531 1091



Australian Company:
Info Plan Software is proudly an Australian company. Purchasing WorkExpo means that you are supporting Australian commerce.